Executive Board of the Faculty

The Dean


prof. PharmDr. Ján KLIMAS, PhD., MPH
e-mail: dekan@fpharm.uniba.sk
phone number: +421 2 9016 9102


's Office Assistant:

Mgr. Zuzana IŽOVÁ
e-mail: sdfpharm.uniba.sk
phone number: +421 2 9016 9101

Vice Dean for Research Activities, Foreign Relations, and Projects


prof. Ing. Vladimír FRECER, DrSc.

e-mail: frecerfpharm.uniba.sk  
phone number: +421 2 9016 9115, +421 2 9016 9281 

Vice Dean for PhD. Studies


doc. PharmDr. Miloš LUKÁČ, PhD.

e-mail: lukacfpharm.uniba.sk  
phone number: +421 2 50 117 115, +421 2 50 117 329  

Vice Dean for Educational Activities in the Study Programme Pharmacy


doc. PharmDr. Marek MÁŤUŠ, PhD.

e-mail: matusfpharm.uniba.sk
phone number: +421 2 9016 9374

Vice Dean for Educational Activities in the Study Programme Medical and Diagnostic Devices and for Faculty's Development


PharmDr. Milica MOLITORISOVÁ, PhD.

e-mail: milica.molitorisovauniba.sk  
phone number: +421 2 9016 9119, +421 2 9016 9262 

Vice Dean for Cooperation with Practice, for Specialization Study, and for Information Technology


PharmDr. Miroslava SNOPKOVÁ, PhD.

e-mail: snopkovafpharm.uniba.sk 
phone number: +421 2 9016 2119, +421 2 9016 9344

Head of Finance and Administration


Ing. Peter SLOVÁK
e-mail: tf@fpharm.uniba.sk
phone number: +421 2 9016 9104


Assistant to the Head of Finance

Jana BLÁHOVÁ (Mrs.)
e-mail: atf@fpharm.uniba.sk
phone number: +421 2 9016 9103