
The scientific research and publications of the Department focus on the following topics:

• Terminological research of pharmaceutical and medical professional vocabulary.

• Specialised research in selected topics in the field of classical philology.

• Research in the field of older periods of Slovak literature written in Latin language.

• Terminological research of medical and pharmaceutical texts of Greek and Latin antiquity.

• Didactic and methodological aspects of foreign language teaching and acquisition.

• Studies in foreign language as a means of professional communication.

The result of scientific activities is publishing of scientific papers, university textbooks and scientific monographs.


PaedDr. Viera Žufková, PhD.

2013 - 2015

member of research project team "University Science Park of Comenius University in Bratislava", Grant Institution / Agency / Grant Scheme: European Regional Development Fund, ITMS project code: 26240220086


Comenius University in Bratislava is building the University Science Park with competence in the field of molecular medicine, environmental medicine and biotechnology. The uniqueness of the project is to create space for mutual cooperation and networking activities of eight of the twelve faculties at CU in Bratislava. In addition to experts from the field of molecular medicine, environmental medicine and biotechnology in the project are also actively involved university teachers and researchers from the social sciences and humanities. To the key questions of contemporary medicine and pharmacy also belong bioethical issues. The area of bioethics also affects the practice of pharmacists, which means that it also applies to their professional university education, including professional language preparation. The aim of integration of the members of the Department of Languages at the Faculty of Pharmacy, CU into the University Science Park is to highlight the need for implementation of certain bioethical issues and the related terminology in teaching pharmacy within professional English language preparation.