Department of Languages

The Department of Languages provides courses of Latin pharmaceutical terminology, English and German languages with focus on professional communication. The Department provides a basic course of Slovak language for foreign students of Pharmacy focusing on communication in pharmacies. Teachers of the Department focus on writing scientific articles, preparation of study materials and textbooks. They provide specialised consultations in the field of professional foreign language communication and scientific terminology. They participate in scientific conferences in Slovakia and abroad, where they present the results of their scientific activities.

The Department of Languages of the Faculty of Pharmacy exists in its present since the academic year 1993/94. Its immediate predecessor was the Department of Languages and Social Sciences established in the academic year 1991/92. A separate section of languages at the Faculty existed from the year 1989. The position of the head of the Department of Languages (or of the language section) was occupied by:

PhDr. Viera Bunčáková, CSc. (1976 – 1978), PhDr. Yvetta Gáfriková (1978 – 1983, 1989/90), PhDr. Emília Jozefíniová (1983 – 1986), PhDr. Tatiana Jarošová, CSc. (1986 – 1987), PhDr. Magda Kouřilová, CSc. (1987 – 1989), PhDr. Jana Illéšová (1990 – 1991), PhDr. Marta Bugárová (1991 – 1993), PhDr. Mária Klimecká (1993 – 1995), doc. PhDr. Ľudmila Ozábalová, PhD. (1995 – 2015), PhDr. Tomáš Hamar, PhD. (2015-2019).

Other long-term employees of the Department were: PhDr. Alena Ivanová, CSc. (1976 – 1977, 1982 – 1991) PhDr. Elena Bednárová-Letková (1976 –1978, 1983 –1983), PhDr. Jarmila Slezáčková (1979 – 1988), PhDr. Emília Jozefíniová (1976 –1978, 1982 - 1986) and PhDr. Katarína Martinková (2008 – 2014), Mgr. Ing. Erika Jurišová, PhD.

Educational activities provided by the teaching staff of the Department of Languages of the Faculty of Pharmacy of CU focus on teaching scientific Latin and Greek terminology and foreign language acquisition for specialised professional purposes. Academic language preparation focusing on study and work related topics in the field of pharmaceutical sciences is implemented in two modern languages: English and German.

PUBLICATIONS of the Department of Languages